Terms & Conditions


  1. That I should always observe the Code of Ethics and Conduct regarding Leverage Marketing Business.
  2. That I should present the products to all clients with honesty and integrity.
  3. That I should protect the company by presenting only the approved publications of compensation plan, products and company profile.
  4. That I should help to promote the spirit of good relationship and teamwork among comembers.
  5. That I should actively participate in sharing the vision, mission and goals of the company.
  6. I understand that I am not allowed to present other MLM Business inside Qdynamics trading corporation office area, seminar room and any QDynamics business centers.
  7. I willingly submit myself to serve and help others, the sick, the poor, the suffering, the aged, and the children, as part of the company’s mission and vision.


  1. That I am 18 years old and above.
  2. Membership or entry should be followed in accordance with company policy whether if its
    individual, stockist or business center. Individual is allowed up to 3 entries 01, 02 and 03 the
    sponsor of 02 and 03 should be the 01. Stockist and business centers has more entries and they
    are allowed to give their 04 and beyond slots or entries to any of their chosen leaders.
  3. Members should operate the business by buying products and marketing tools and materials at
    their own expense.
  4. Any Partnership, Corporation and Private Company applying for Membership shall be
    presented by a person duly appointed. Legal documents should be presented.
  5. Husband and wife can apply together as one or as two different members. In the event of
    divorce, separation or annulment of marriage, either spouse shall inform the company of his/her
    intention to resign from the partnership, in such instances, the party remaining shall assume the
    distributorship and enjoy the benefits there from.
  6. In the event of death, the member agreement shall be reserved to the legal heirs or the
    descendants if his/her beneficiary is minor, but the priority is the name of person written as
    His/Her beneficiary.
  7. Any active member will become inactive and shall be removed from the computer after (1)
    one year without having any down line, product purchase, and active participation in any
    company activity.
  8. A member is an independent business entity, He/ She is not an employee, agent or
    representative of the company.
  9. Any member is not allowed to use company name, logo, slogan, flyer, trademarks, and trade
    names without the company’s consent.
  10. No member shall conduct unauthorized seminars, meeting or assembly that is not in line with
    the business ethics of the company. Any Member or leader found to have engaged in
    discriminatory statements or inducing others to complain against the company’s procedure, rules
    and regulation shall be subject for suspension.
  11. All complaints shall be submitted in written form and to be discussed and deliberated upon
    by the management. Any decision shall be discretion of the company shall be final and
  12. Quantumin Plus is a food supplement and has no therapeutic claims. It is not a drug and should
    not be recommended for use in the prevention, treatment or cure of any diseases. Members are
    personally responsible for any misrepresentation, misuse of terms, claims or any other inaccuracy
    in their presentation of the true nature of Quantumin Plus as a food supplement in accordance
    with regulatory standards.
  13. Under-cutting or registration to other sponsor/up line under different name is prohibited. The
    company reserves the right to suspend Distributors found to be committing such act.
  14. Tampering Documents such as distributor’s application form, acknowledgement receipt, and
    other documents is strictly prohibited.
  15. Manipulation of member’s network structures and any printed materials is strictly prohibited.
  16. Convincing, enticing or inviting co-member to register under different leg or join other MLM
    companies is prohibited most especially to Core leaders, and this act will subject the member for


  1. Selling below STANDARD RETAIL PRICE is prohibited and will subject the distributor to
    cancellation of membership and all benefits.
  2. The company has the right to terminate or cancel the membership for non-compliance, breach
    or violation of any of the stated code of ethics, terms, policy and conditions under the proper
  3. The member needs to surrender his/ her accountabilities with the company and other
    distributor upon termination